Set free all those pretty little thoughts that live inside your head.
November 29, 2020
The experience of pain provides the opportunity for growth and expansion…if we take it.
Conflict is one of the greatest gateways to connection, intimacy, self-exploration, reflection.
I will never be complete because of someone else. I am whole and complete on my own. I am my own other half, and anyone else that I invite into my life is simply an addition to that.
My voice and my choice is my superpower.
Your gut feeling is probably right.
Pause to look at patterns ya’ll. Our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, behaviors are all a result of our past experiences.
The present is here and now, the place we live in time, but the present is a constantly moving place. We do not live in the past, nor do we live in the future, but the present is the most fleeting of all.
We have been conditioned to live in our heads. In analysis mode, we do not take breath, connect with the heart, or connect to our inner voice. Often we are waiting for something else to tell us the answer, instead of embracing that the truth is often already within us.
Do not shame the part of you that made that decision that taught you the lesson you have now learned.
Invite expansion. Embrace the discomfort.
When we fall in love with someone’s potential, we abandon our own.
“Should” serves no purpose for me. Should connotes guilt. Guilt then turns to shame.
You are what you choose, NOT what you say you want to choose. Big difference.
I will no longer waste my time and my energy arguing who I am and my truth with someone who is unwilling to see me.
To a default… “I am good,” I am always “good” and say so with a smile on my face. Faking it until I make it has been a way of coping… not dealing, confronting, managing, learning, or healing. It’s a band aid that facilitates surviving, NOT thriving.
I owe nobody anything more that what I choose to give. Simple as that.
The parts of us that want to heal are the same parts that keep us in patterns. We are constantly presented with opportunities to shift, change, and create something new. But we have to choose to shift in order to create something different.
I am the role model for my girls, and I am making choices that honor my true self. I am choosing to continue moving forward with dignity and with grace.
Practice making choices that are in alignment with your deepest intentions.
I believe there are two parts of an individual that enter into a relationship – the warrior and the lover. The warrior protects the lover, and the lover keeps the warrior tender.
The point of conversations is not to come to a conclusion or an answer, it is to hear your voice. True transformation comes through expression.
Separation between self and soul starts in childhood, when we adapt to become this person that we think everyone else wants/needs us to be. What reconnects you to soul is rock bottoms – it’s self saying, “Hey are you done pretending? Are you done being so attached? Are you done not listening to you soul? Are you done abandoning your truth?”
That being said, there is a beautiful space in rock bottom – a freedom and a choice to stop wearing the mask and playing the games. The opportunity to emerge and someone in alignment with your souls path. If you so choose.
Whatever you have been through, you can teach people through it. It’s not faking it until you make it, it’s called stepping into it.
If you step into your purpose and your passion, the Universe will catch you.
I love you because you tell me the truth about who I am.
The goal is not to escape sadness. The goal is to recognize it and see it for something else.
Grief is love looking for a home.
Brokenness, pain, and suffering is normal. It is when you are seen, that it is no longer isolating. When someone shares their own vulnerability, you experience your own.
Communication is everything. Communication with an awareness of the filter in which you see and listen through. An awareness of your own attachments and expectations, and a conscious choice to leave that at the door so you can truly hear and see someone for who they are.
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